Tuesday, July 14, 2009


After a lot of broken plans and just as many maybes, it's official: The US from september 2nd to october 5th and Japan from october 6th to november 11th.

Getting away.

Monday, July 06, 2009

The festival aftermath

It never ceases to surprise me how much of an impact Roskilde can have on people. Some go only to one or none at all; while others come back year after year after year. They happily spend a week every year being too dirty, too hot, too cold, too wet, too drunk, too mentally and emotionally bombarded.

It never fails that I have one moment during every festival where I tell myself that this year will be the last time. I'm starting my second decade of Roskilde dedication. And I probably won't stop any time soon despite the fact that I'm becoming one of the old ones, heh.

This year's drama was that I got kicked out of the tent I was staying in by the tent's owner's very jealoux girlfriend (it was extremely unpleasant) and after trying to get a hold of various people for four hours where I only got sorely disappointed ... I gave in to despair and called Martin for help so I could dump my things in his tent.

-Thursday's highlight was Social Distortion, with Rumpistol as a close second.
-Friday's high point was Faith No More; but I have to say that it would probably have been Nine Inch Nails if it wasn't for the fact that by the time they finally came on I was so exhausted that I was falling asleep on my feet and I only managed to stay for half an hour.
-Saturday's sweet spot wasn't actually music. I mean Gogol Bordello was a blast as always, but the day was saved by two movies: Pussy Soup and Dead Snow. The first one was a japanese movie about a stuffed animal cat how made ramen nudles (you heard me). The second one was a norwegian movie about 6 friends who have gone to an out-of-the-way ski cabin to celebrate their easter holiday ... and then ENTER NAZI ZOMBIES! WOO HOO! And the shouts from the audience only made the experience better ^^
-Sunday's best feature was Madness. Talk about a childhood funride! And Coldplay was a brilliant way of closing the festival.

I got a lift back to Copenhagen in the middle of the night and slept on Martin's sofa.

We slept late and come afternoon I left for my friend Line's place.

I said goodbye to the love of my life.

Now hoping for the hurting to end ...

Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Even though my world is falling apart I'm standing in the heavy blanket of rain (that looks and feels like an indian monsoon) that I know is going to turn the festival into a mudbath ... and I'm smiling. I'm genuinely smiling while I'm being soaked. I'm smiling at something for the first time in two weeks. I love the rain. Furious summer rain. I'm so glad he didn't leave me in the winter time.