Sunday, September 20, 2009

Is it hot enough for you?

Getting ready to leave New Orleans. Despite the humidity my nordic self isn't melting away like some of my travel buddies, hehe. I started talking to a couple of guys when I got on the bus in San Antonio; they were both heading for Florida, but they ended up getting off the bus in New Orleans with me. We spent a lot of our time in the french quarter at the Cat's Meow singing our karaoke ass's off. And I've now got two new places to stay if I come back here ^^

"N'awlins" is constantly partying, but 99% is out-of-towners and 50% of those are foreigners. It makes for a cool loose atmosphere at night, but I actually like it better during the day (yes, despite the humidity). The place has some seriously interesting shops and artwork that has me engulfed for hours. I also have to come back for Mardi Gras one year; the guys say they'll come with me :)

I'm going to Asheville, North Carolina tomorrow. See ya fat cats later.


Unknown said...

Hold da kæft nogle lange distancer du tager! Er det med fly eller bus??? Men super fedt at du får set så meget, jeg vil også med!
Også godt at der kom et indlæg i dag, jeg har nok tjekket 6 gange. Elsker at høre dine historier, og så ved jeg at du har det godt. Savner dig...

Nina said...


Muld said...

I miss you guys too!!
Jeg rejser med Greyhound busser saa der er nogle lange ture indimellem ^^ Vi kan da godt tage en tur, Stuns.