Friday, September 25, 2009

Niagara Falls (edited)

It's wet.
Hm ... yeah ... it's wet ^^
If you are ever in Niagara Falls do not, and I repeat, DO NOT take your camera out when you are on Maid of the Mist and don't let anyone around you do it either. The Falls become more and more impressive the closer you are; it also becomes increasingly more loud and WET! The last fact hadn't occurred to a lot of tourists who kept taking pictures and then started swearing when their precious digital camera couldn't take the mist anymore. Duh!

I like all the black squirrels here; and they are everywhere and there are a lot of them!

Niagara itself is a bit sad really. I stayed in the so called art district and most houses were boarded up and just as many had "For rent" or "Available space" signs in the window. Once you get close to the falls the streets turn into one big tourist trap. Ripley's, Horror Houses, Souvenir shops, Fast Food joints and way too much neon on signs >_< The city sort of has the feeling of a place that used to be a big thing but then fell from glory.

One good thing happened on the way here though: Found two new friends. Anything that takes more than 14 hours produce buddies, hehe. They were men of course .. women don't like me.

I was going to go back to New York after this but it seems my wandering feet wants to go to Windsor here in Canada to say hi to Sarah; and I can swing by Detroit on the way back to New York.

EDIT: Well, I'm in Toronto. I hopped on a bus that turned out to be one and a half hour late so I missed my bus to Windsor and now have to wait five hours before the next one leaves. If I continue I'll be in Windsor past midnight and Sarah went to London until Monday so I can't crash on her couch ... ooooooh well ... maybe Boston would be a good idea. It sounds like a brilliant idea to me. I have to maximize my use of my greyhound pass anyway ;)


Nina said...

Var det ikke mere end vådt? Hvad med smukt, stort eller overvurderet? :P

Fedt at du tager til Canada, har hørt man mærker stor forskel når man kommer fra USA.

Flere og længere posts tak! ^^

Muld said...

Hehe. Naede faktisk at tilfoje tekst for jeg saa at du forlangte det ^^

Man maerker stor forskel naar man krydser graensen, isaer paa folk. Man er ikke saa imodekommende heroppe.

Jeg savner New Orleans og varmen *suk*

Nina said...

Yay, tak for mere tekst. :D Det er virkelig spændende at læse om dine oplevelser. Glæder mig til at høre mere, når du er hjemme igen. :)

Skal du ind og se "Up"? Den har premiere her næste uge, endda i 3D.

Michelle said...

Awww, I like you!

Muld said...

Well, you're one of the few, Michelle :)

Har faktisk slet ikke vaeret i biffen. Men jeg er snart tilbage i New York og regner med at snuppe et par flims mens jeg er der.