Thursday, October 08, 2009

Big in Japan.

It's quiet here ... really.

When I arrived at Narita airport and left the plane the sound disappeared. There is the occasional "bling pling" of their version of elevator music but that's it. It might be because I've spent the last month in a loud country but day time Tokyo is very quite for a big city and sometimes void of sound altogether if you are nowhere near traffic.

At the moment nature is making up for the lack of sound though as there is a typhoon on. Woo!

I'm staying at a very homey little hostel where I keep adding new bumps to my head because of the low entry ways. It's really cheap and they are so nice; they had a girl switch bed with me because hers was the only one that was long enough for me in the girl's dorm (all the 2 meter ones are in the men's dorm heh)

The japanese have a real thing about harmony and positive things so a lot of things are "Happy": "Happy Shoes", "Happy Net", "Happy Food", "Happy Sick" (no shit, I saw that lasts one).

Their love of vending maschines is awesome. My inner clock is still a little messed up and I was really hungry in the middle of the night, and normally you have to settle for junk at that time of the day; but not in Tokyo! I got a meal, a real meal, from a vending maschine down the road! Yeah baby!

I got freaked out when a toilet spoke to me though o_O That I could do without.

I'm going down the coast on friday and saving my Tokyo experience for last. I'm trying to couchsurf my way through 50% of my time here starting out with a guy in Shizouka who is a hardcore couchsurfer and host. I'll have 4 days at his house along with 3 others and we're going to a tea ceremony and an onsen, to Mt. Fuji and wine tasting which is close to his home. Later in the month I'll go along with a larger arrangement he has set up for travellers that involves Halloween in Osaka ^^

Anyway, I'm going to pick up my ticket for the Ghibli museum now. See ya later!


Nina said...

GAH. Ghibli museum. Soooo jealous.

Lyder som om du har det godt i Japan. Håber du kan komme i nærheden af internet igen snart. :)

Tina said...


Ja så er Scotland nok ikke så slem med det med højden alliqevel. når du liqefrem slår hovedet...

Jeq kan så qodt forstå du vil tilbaqe til the states. Der er så meqet at opleve.

kunne du ikke liqe optaqe en lydfil med det qad jeq qodt at høre..

Jeq er bare så misundeliq på dit besøq til Ghibli museum. det er qaranteret så fedt!! qad vide om de stadiqvæk har bokse med deres samlede film?

Er det ikke bare fedt at couch surfe?

qlæder miq til at høre mere.

Knus Tina

Martin Kufahl said...

Sig hej til Mochan! :)

Muld said...

Couchsurfing is the shit ^^
Jeg skal dog forst ind paa ghibli museumet i november, men jeg glaeder mig sgu :)

Det har jeg allerede gjort, Martin, og han hilser igen. Jeg saa en video hvor du var igang med nogle wicked dance moves ;P

Martin Kufahl said...

Oh? Det husker jeg ikke så meget om, men sådan er det jo når man buster syge moves på daglig basis >:)