It is amazing how many clubs Tokyo have (and you can get into a lot of them for free if you're female). A goth club can be right next to a disco and nobody finds it strange. I was out with a french girl saturday and we were following a bunch lolita girls around for a bit and they went from one extreme to the other - it was very interesting. We toasted in sake everytime we came to a new place.
Be careful with Sake. It's a killer. It goes straight to your brain and boils your brain ... especially if it's hot >_<
Maybe it was the sake that made a guy offer me money if I would step on him wearing a pair of heals. I wasn't drunk enough to accept and felt that it would be too much like standing next to someone as they jerked off to you. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a boyfriend or someone I find attractive doing it, but this dude was not my cup of tea. I might be dirt poor but walking around on someone until he jizzes in his pants just doesn't seem like the right way for me to make money o_O
The sake almost ruined my Sunday, at the very least it made it harder. I went to Harajuku to goggle the cos play zoku (costume play gang). The visual onslaught to my eyes was almost as bad as standing in front of an arcade in Akihabara (my poor brain).
There were a bunch of really pretty costumes on a gang of teeny tiny girls and I asked in my very bad Japanese if I could take a picture. After a lot of giggles - I got out my camera, they posed, I said cheese ... and the fucking camera died. I might have been a little overly dramatic with my: NOOOOOOOOO! But the girls all took pity on me and chatted with me for about an hour after that.
I can't remember exactly how we came on to the subject, but the girls agreed that I could make a lot of money in Japan. As one girl so nicely put it: "There are two types of men in Japan: Type 1: the ones who wants to step; and Type 2: the ones who wants to be stepped on" and I had already had a run in with the second type the night before. The girls felt that most Japanese women can only fill the needs of type 1 so Japan needed women that could take care of type 2.
-Then a discussion about my weight started (the only part of this scenario that wasn't amusing to me) and then an argument about whether or not my boobs were real which ended after one girls grabbed them and went: "Hai! Real!" ... and here I thought that the Japanese were suppose to be a polite people, oh dear oh dear.
Today I went around Shinjuku and Shibuya with Julie, the french girl, and we could tell that I do not exist according to the shops there. Julie picked up a shirt that said XL and I swear it was a XS. We got so depressed that we ate a box of cookies. Pretty good monday really :)
I'm going to take a walk around central Tokyo tomorrow and see a Kabuki show at Kabuki-za. I'll probably love it; vibrant colours, dance, drama and men in drag - I mean, you can't go wrong there ^^
I've already seen some puppet theatre and Noh theatre so it's the next step.
I think I'll just relax after that. Read and gear up to the plane trip home.
Sooooo tired ...
Sayonara. さようなら
Nøj, de japanere er virkelig weird.
Lige en update på vejret her, hvis ikke du skulle ha' fattet det via FB: Det regner, regner, regner og er bare gråt og surt. Så tag lige lidt godt vejr med dig hjem, tak. ^^
OK, first. . . WTF?????????
Now that that's out of the way. . .
How MUCH money was the guy gonna pay you to walk on him. . . ?
What direction did the weigh discussion take?
How long had you been discussing your boobs before you got felt up?
Oh my!!
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