Saturday, August 15, 2009

Counting the days ..

Counting up or counting down is the same deal in my case at the moment.

The States is less than two weeks away now. And they can't pass quickly enough. I really need to get as far away as possible.

My ex added me on Facebook and the first thing I saw on his profile was the girls he had hurt me with. I actually tried to ignore it for awhile, but then remembered that I didn't have to accept their presence in my life anymore. So a bit of selfpreservation set in and I deleted him as a friend. He really is one of the good guys, but he lacks empathy when it comes to giving up things that soothes his ego. So he is basicly quite disrespectful sometimes and at the same time demands that you respect him and his choices. I hope he learns.

I'm in Sweden for a few days and I'm feeling better being surrounded by people who love me (and I must be looking better too: guys are flirting with me again :)

The next time I write I'll probably be stateside ^^

1 comment:

Nina said...

Flirting is good! Happy for you. :)

Can't wait to read about all your adventures.