Thursday, October 01, 2009

"Could you help me?"

I look like a New yorker. At least that's what people in New York keep telling me. Not the upscale, snobby as they come, goes to the Hampton's, wasn't born here - kind; I talked to a guy at the Cuba Cafe and he just went: "Shit, girl, you could be one of the street." Ooookaaay ... is that good? "Hell yeah, it means you're real" and I thanked him ^^

I do have a slight English accent (which is slowly disappearing o_O) that tips people off.
But the big diffence between New York and the rest of the places I've been here is: In New York people ask me for directions and everywhere else they ask me where I'm from.

Oh well ...

Despite New York being in the expensive end you still get a lot of free stuff here. I'm fx going to a Metropolitan Opera event in Bryant Park tonight to check out a season intro preformance and I went to a lot of museums yesterday for free. Of course I'm also writing this for free in the New York Public Library (what an incredibly beautiful building) and there was a cook-off in Chelsea where they handed the food out afterwards (damn good food). The big apple is aaalright!

The free stuff is good since I've blown my budget for the states and that means I have to tone it down in Japan. I'm getting more money in November but it still means I'm probably going to have red numbers before returning home.

Okay. I'll most likely write again before leaving for Japan.
Bye bye.


Nina said...

Tak for postkort nr 2 :)

Du må vel være på vej til Japan nu...

Michelle og jeg synes du skulle arbejde for Lonely Planet. :)

Muld said...

Er ikke smuttet helt endnu ^^

Jeg ville virkelig gerne arbejde for Lonely Planet, men Bill Bryson-type skriverier ville heller ikke vaere daarligt ;) But it's just a pipe dream.

Nina said...

Hvis du kan nå det og hvis du ikke allerede har været der, så find en Hot Topic butik. I promise you will love it. ^^ De er vist ofte inde i malls, det er i hvert fald dér jeg har set dem.

Muld said...

Hot Topic hapsede $150 fra mig i Texas :O