Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I believe I can fly!

I as a general rule love animals, but of course there are a few I appreciate more than others. There are a couple of people who know my favourite animal. For the rest who does not: Manta.
Maybe it's a Pisces thing, but I love Manta rays. They fly under water; how cool is that!?! It amazes me that something so big and odd can be so graceful and magical.

And one of them went right past my face today and I swear I stopped breathing for a minute or so. HoooOOOly fuck! They're HUGE! I already knew that they are the largest of the rays, but still ... DAMN! I'm very happy right now; the sun is shining inside my head ^^

I had been in kind of a shitty mood since yesterday when I made a soldier cry. Yup, a grown man broke down on me. I had asked why he drank so much and he had answered that it was because otherwise he couldn't sleep. He's not the first soldier I've met on this journey that didn't sleep without aid. We had a talk about Iraq and how it has messed up a lot of young men and continues to do so. It was only after he said out loud why he couldn't sleep that he broke down and I'm sorry I asked him. It was nice to talk to him though. Speaking English without simplifying was good too.

The night under the stars was spend on the most awful beach. It is the closest to the hostel and there is actually a road going across the water and ruining the view o_O I was a good thing we were all drunk!

I'm going back to the mainland tomorrow and will land in Osaka in time for Halloween.
Happy sailing to me.


Martin Kufahl said...


Nina said...

Lucky bitch!! Men fuck hvor du fortjener at snorkle med dit yndlingsdyr. ^^

God tur til Osaka!

Unknown said...

Heldige kartoffel! Jeg mangler stadig at se mit ynglingsdyr.. suk! Måske jeg kan se mors i Afrika :)

Men funk hvor mega sejt, mantaer må klart også være i min top 5!!! Mega COOL... you rock dude!

Muld said...

Det er jo teknisk set ikke rigtig saeson for manta i Okinawa, og jeg var da ogsaa ved at give op da en stor en svaevede forbi. Min manta. Mettes manta. Mulds manta! ^^

Nu kom jeg jo ikke helt ned til Iriomote desvaerre saa det var det bedste plaster paa saaret man kan forstille sig.

Stuns: Dit og mors er sgu ogsaa paa min liste. :)