Monday, October 26, 2009

Just another day in paradise.

Well, I haven't really been doing much to tell you the truth.
I arrived early Thursday and spent most of the day at the beach in a hammock with a beer ^^

Friday I biked around south Okinawa looking at peace memorials and reconstructed historical sites (no historical site survived the battle of Okinawa in 1945 unfortunately) which of course was an active thing to do. And today I walked to the Shuri area which used to be the capital of Okinawa - but in between Friday and today Monday I only read, drank and played cards because of a typhoon (an extremely wet experience)

I was suppose to go couch surfing with an American couple for a few days near Kadena Air Base but they haven't been online to give me the address so I'm not entirely sure what I'll do tomorrow. If they do not get in contact I think I'll head out to a nearby island to snorkel with mantas.

Maybe I'll bike the 20km up to Okinawa city and snicker at the spectacle that is the Americana japan. Central Okinawa is were most of the bases are and despite some guide books' insistence that it has an international feel every traveller and Japanese person I've meet says that it's a kinda freaky experience, heh.

We're a few people who are going to camp out on the beach under the stars tonight; mainly because we've all been cooped up inside the whole weekend and just need air! Now!

*Flies out the door with a bag full of beer*


Unknown said...

Svøm svøm svøm med mantaer! Så er jeg forevigt misundelig... på den gode måde!
Forresten, tak for postkortene! Har også været forbi Farmor, hun var helt oppe og køre over alle dine postkort! Skulle se dem alle, godt gået søs!

Muld said...

Farmor er den eneste som faar kort hver eneste gang jeg kommer et nyt sted hen; hun kan jo ikke tjekke nettet ^^

Jeg skal ud og snorkle i morgen paa en lokal o. Og jeg haaber klart paa mantaer!!

Nina said...

Lyder skønt det paradis med is ^^

Vidste sgu ikke man kunne svømme med manta rays! Hvor er du heldig.

Muld said...

Iriomote som ligger laengere nede er det bedste sted for Manta spotting, men det er saa ogsaa 14 timer vaek med en baad der ikke altid sejler, og alt for mange yen vaek for at flyve *suk* Saa jeg maa nojes ^^