Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Over the mountains.

When I got off the bus in Asheville I instantly got homesick; the air was crisp, cool and there was a yellow brick house just across from the station. I started missing danish autumn right away.

It is nice though to finally be in a place where I have an easy time getting food. I've been to two places here where it is printed on the menu if the dish is vegan or not; awesome ^^ People had warned me that Asheville was hippie heaven but I think they have their catagories mixed up, 'cause Austin had hippies (tie-die t-shirts, long hair with braids and beads, funny hats, sleep outside, was alive in the 60's) and Asheville has health freaks (organic, vegan, recycle, dairy free, work out, holistic medicin), and I really do not mind that :) Especially since I live in west Asheville and everyone does it here so it's the norm.

I havn't had much luck with meeting people I knew before coming here: My friend in New York thought that I had meant october so I haven't met up with her yet. The one in New Orleans got attacked on her job and is now spending some time with her family in Canada. And I went to Asheville because I could meet up with someone I've talked to a lot that lived here, but she isn't answering at all! So I've met a bunch of new people but no old.

Oh yeah: I'm going to CANADA! ^^


Tina said...

Hi Mette

Vejret herhjemme har faktisk været riqtiq varmt oq lækkert, men imorqen skulle der blive koldt oq blæsende - altså riqriq efterårs vejr.
Ja de har jo stort set alt slaqs mad derovre. Fedt ik! En skam med alle dine venner oq bekendte. Måske kunne du besøqe veninde oppe i Canada.. altså hvis hun har det okay oq du skal hen i hendes område.
Fedt at ndu skal til Canada der skal være riqtiq flot. Taqer du et smut til Seattle?

Forresten send konto oplysninqer med de penqe jeq skylder diq for pincetten +.

Knus oq kram fra Tina

Unknown said...

Hallo Dude!
Hvordan suser du rundt derover?? Information please! Det er da lidt vildt at du nu tager til Canada, hvor bliver det til?
Jeg stener så meget på kontoret idag, skal have et fucking review færdig til imorgen og arbejdsmoralen er ikke på det højeste! Har bare lyst til at hygge med tv og the! Nå... nok brok fra mig, men det er skønt at du hygger.
Møs møs

Unknown said...

Ups... :) Havde ikke lige set at du havde svaret på den anden besked! Sorry! Men du flyver vel til Canada eller hvad?

Muld said...

Hey TJ. Smutter ikke til Seattle i denne omgang. Sarah vil prove paa komme, men det er ikke sikkert. Vi kigger paa penge naar jeg kommer hjem.

Hey Man! Nej, jeg hopper paa greyhound om 3 timer og saa er det 22 timer i bus indtil jeg ankommer. Det er i Niagara Falls og overvejer at smutte til Toronto for maaske at modes med en veninde.